BIOTECH USA 100% L-Glutamine

300 gr
11.33 лв. for 100 gr
Availability: In Stock


100% L-Glutamine from BioTech USA is used to increase strength levels, muscle growth and to prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue that can occur as a result of intense training.

 Advantages and features:

 Protects muscle tissue from breakdown
 It participates in the chain of amino acids, helping the synthesis of the growth hormone
 Blends easily
 100% pure L-Glutamine

 The body can lose up to 50% of its glutamine stores during exercise.  With glutamine deficiency, muscle tissue is depleted first.  This leads to its breakdown. To protect yourself use 100% L-Glutamine from BioTech USA, recharging your muscles during training.

 During intense training, glutamine levels are quite low, which reduces strength, endurance and recovery.  Without external intake of glutamine, these will only be restored on the sixth day, and glutamine plays an important role in protein synthesis.  Many studies have shown that adding 100% L-Glutamine from BioTech USA to your supplement plan will reduce muscle breakdown and improve protein metabolism.

 100% L-Glutamine from BioTech USA plays an important role in increasing cell volume and anticatabolic processes.  It also increases the secretion of growth hormone, which stimulates the growth of muscle mass and accelerates the metabolism of fats in the body.

 One dose: 5 grams
 Doses per package: 100
 Method of administration: 1 dose before training, 1 dose after training, 1 dose before sleep

 Notes: Store in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight!

Product Code: biotech-usa-100-l-glutamine

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