Proviron - Bayer - Proviron 25 mg 20 tablets

100 gr
30 лв. for 100 gr
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Proviron Bayer - a modern preparation of steroid origin, used in sports mainly due to its anti-estrogenic properties and to increase the level of free testosterone.

 Most often, athletes from various disciplines, such as bodybuilding, drink these pills during their cycle, of course, to prevent possible estrogen-related side effects, as well as increase libido, normalization of potency.

Active substance Proviron Bayer tablets, mesterolone, steroid with androgen (150% of testosterone) and anabolic activity (40% of testosterone).Originally, Mesterolone was and remains an effective medicinal product used for lower efficiency, lack of gonadal function in men and even infertility.Now it began to be used by athletes to minimize the side effects of steroids, and not only.

 Taking "Proviron" in athletes, the tablets are taken orally, they are not dissolved.

For men using steroids, the daily dose is 25 to 50 milligrams (which should be divided into 2 doses - morning and evening).

 - To improve the quality of spermatozoa, it is necessary to take 50-75 mg of the drug.The treatment lasts 3 months.

 Effects of Proviron Bayer

 First of all, it should be noted that in humans the drug acts as an aromatase inhibitor (a similar effect, but more powerful in terms of blocking the anti-estrogen anastrozole).It prevents the conversion of steroids into estrogen (female sex hormones), for which it is valuable for athletes.In practice, this preparation can help people taking steroids to prevent the formation of estrogenic side effects, which include, for example, gynecomastia.

No less valuable effects of Proviron Bayer - is to increase the level of free testosterone in the blood.In particular, the drug is able to block the activity of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), thus increasing the concentration of free testosterone.By the way, this preparation leads to the improvement of other steroids in the body.

 In general, the effect of Proviron Bayer 25 :

 ● First, blocking aromatase (estrogenic action)

● Second, increasing libido, improving erectile function;

 ● Third, the increase in free testosterone in the blood

 ● Fourth, the increase in muscle recovery and stiffness.

 It is important to note that in sports practice, including bodybuilding, the greatest value has the properties of Proviron Bayer Schering Pharma, which seek to prevent the possible side effects of steroids, but not its impact, which leads to an improvement in the quality ofmuscles, although it is very useful.

In other words, for athletes, this drug is seen primarily as an effective anti-estrogen agent that can help prevent side effects and normalize strength accordingly.

 Against this background, it should be said that women who care about their appearance should not use the Proviron pill, as they can cause themselves virilization (due to the high androgenic activity of the drug, there is a risk of a virilization reaction - body hair, changes in body shape, deepening of voice, changes in skin quality).

However, it is believed that if you use the drug together with tamoxifen (25-50 mg per day + 10-20 mg tamoxifen per day) it can help a woman burn body fat.

 Finally, the storage of Proviron Bayer Schering Pharma should be done in a hard-to-reach area for children and pets (as a precaution).Keep the tablets in a place protected from moisture and light, with indicators of room temperature.

 How to take Bayer Proviron

 In sports practice, these tablets with estrogenic properties are usually used to prevent the formation or development of side effects associated with long-term use of steroid drugs.More specifically, the rate of acceptance is usually done to get rid of estrogenic side effects and abnormalities associated with low levels of testosterone in the blood, but not only.

How is the drug Proviron dosed and used?Taking the drug is a relatively simple process.Athletes usually use it in the range of 25-50 mg per day (permitted daily dose of 25-150 mg).Take tablets daily for eight full weeks (preferably starting on the second or first week of the steroid cycle and at the end of the last two).It is understood that the dosage and duration of administration of the drug, even in many respects, depend on the chosen athlete and the steroid cycle.

 As noted above, the use of Proviron (Mesterolone) by women is not usually done.This is mainly due to the high androgenic activity specific to the preparation, which can lead to the appearance of virilization.

proviron reviews listed as a preparation for athletes?First of all, they point out that the pills, with proper use, can help athletes taking anabolic steroids avoid the aromatization of anti-estrogens and side effects.The drug prevents aromatization (conversion of steroids into estrogen) and thus achieves the desired effect.

 Where can I buy Bayer Schering Proviron and what is its price?
 The order of this preparation is available on our website the same time, ordering at is simple, convenient and reliable, and in addition, it can be extremely profitable.But let's not just talk about everything, but rather analyze in detail.

Brand: Bayer
Product Code: провирон-bayer-proviron-25-мг-20-таблетки

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