Max Lab GHRP-2

200 gr
30 лв. for 100 gr
Availability: In Stock
This product has limit quantity of 20


GHRP-2: A Revolutionary Growth Hormone Stimulating Peptide.

 GHRP-2 is an innovative synthetic peptide developed to activate the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.This stimulation prompts the release of growth hormone (HGH), which is critical for the regeneration and health of cells in all organs of the human body.Our unique formula enhances overall cellular repair, promotes muscle growth and supports tissue health.

 Main benefits of using GHRP-2:
 Increased sexual desire and libido
 Effective fat burning
 Acceleration of muscle protein synthesis
 Enhanced energy production
 Improvement of skin elasticity and reduction of wrinkles
 Increases stamina and heals wounds
 Optimizing cardiovascular health and supporting the immune system
 Significant increase in IGF-1 levels already in the first week after the start of intake
 Improving sleep, bone density and vision

 Method of use:
 After injection of GHRP-2, HGH becomes active in the blood for a short period, sufficient for the liver to convert it into insulin-like growth factor (IGF), which is among the leading growth factors.

 The peptide is administered subcutaneously, with a recommended intake of 3 to 6 months depending on the individual goals of each athlete.

 Possible side effects:
 During the first few weeks of taking GHRP-2, you may experience temporary fatigue and water retention, which usually subside as the body adapts to the higher HGH levels.

 Why Choose GHRP-2?
 This product offers a scientifically proven approach to improving overall fitness and health while increasing the effectiveness of your workouts and overall vitality.
Brand: Max Lab
Product Code: GHRP-2

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