HTP Tren-Enanthate (Trenbolone Enanthate) 10amp 200mg/ml

100 gr
105 лв. for 100 gr
Availability: In Stock


Tren-Enanthate from High Technological Pharmaceuticals (HTP) is a superior Trenbolone Enanthate, injectable steroid that contributes to the rapid gain of muscle mass and strength, as well as the effective reduction of subcutaneous fat.
 This product was developed with the addition of Enanthate ester to the Trenbolone molecule, ensuring long-lasting action and stable levels of the anabolic substance in the body.

 As one of the most potent injectable steroids available, known in the fitness community as Parabolan, Tren-Enanthate boasts exceptional androgenic and anabolic characteristics.
 The product has been extensively laboratory tested and is offered at an affordable price, making it an excellent choice for athletes and bodybuilders looking for effective solutions to develop their physique.

 Tren-Enanthate is particularly effective in achieving relief and improving muscle definition, thanks to its ability not to be converted to estrogen, which eliminates the risk of unwanted puffiness and water retention.  This ensures that the muscle mass gained during a Tren-Enanthate cycle is hard, dense and well defined.

 Although Tren-Enanthate is significantly more potent than an equivalent amount of testosterone, and features three times the anabolic effect, potential side effects are limited and may include oily skin, acne, and accelerated hair loss in predisposed individuals.  It is important to note that the androgenic nature of Tren-Enanthate makes it unsuitable for women due to the high risk of virilization.

 The optimal dosage for Tren-Enanthate is between 200 and 300 mg per week, injected intramuscularly, which is sufficient for significant improvements in muscle mass and strength, combined with visible fat reduction and improved muscle definition.

 Trenbolone Enanthate from HTP is a high-quality anabolic steroid that is ideal for athletes seeking exceptional results.
Brand: HTP
Product Code: 8

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