HTP Test MIX - Sustanon 10 amp 250mg/ml

100 gr
88 лв. for 100 gr
Availability: In Stock


Test MIX from High Technological Pharmaceuticals (HTP) is a premium Sustanon 250 mg composed of a unique combination of four different testosterone esters that provide both rapid and long-lasting action.
 This injectable steroid complex is distinguished by its ability to effectively promote muscle mass, size and strength gains, making it suitable for use in mass cycles.

 Test MIX HTP contains 30 mg Testosterone Propionate, 60 mg Testosterone Phenylpropionate, 60 mg Testosterone Isocaproate and 100 mg Testosterone Decanoate in each 1 ml ampoule.This carefully selected blend ensures an initial rapid absorption with immediate action from Propionate and Phenylpropionate, followed by a sustained release of Testosterone from Isocaproate and Decanoate, ensuring stable testosterone levels in the blood with minimal need for frequent injections.

 Thanks to its powerful anabolic and androgenic action, Test MIX by HTP is ideal for athletes looking for a significant increase in muscle mass and strength.
 Its unique formula allows sufficient efficacy even when administered only once a week, making it convenient to use and reducing the risk of side effects associated with frequent injections.

 Although Test MIX HTP can cause water retention and other typical testosterone side effects, it remains the preferred choice for bulking periods thanks to its impressive anabolic properties.The recommended dosage for beginners is one ampoule per week, while more experienced users may choose to apply every 4-5 days to maintain optimal testosterone levels.

 By combining Test MIX HTP with other quality steroids like Deca Durabolin and Methane, you can maximize your muscle building results while limiting potential side effects with adequate protection and anti-estrogens like Nolvadex or Arimidex.
Brand: HTP
Product Code: 5

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